Hina Kuzushi

Found: 4
Shag Town: Space Exams

What have not we attempted to perform in Fuck city yet? To ship an expidition in distance - that is what! And seems like you`ll grow to be the first offender. But jump from your space match however - first you`ll need to pass few tests and might be just then you will be enlisted on your group. The tests you`ll have to pass are online astronomy, computer science, science, physiology of human figure. Also you`ll have to demonstrate your abilities at staff work. And since this space service relies in Fuck city all your examinators will be sexy anime girls! And since this is a manga porn game - every time you`ll pass the exam you`ll be rewarded with interactive and hot orgy scene! So learn more about the space centre and find all of the figures you need to receive all the stamps and unlock all hentai scenes! Mars expects!

Hina Kuzushi
Found: 4